As a responsible company, MetalKraft Industries Inc (MKI) supports the goal of the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 to end violence and human rights violations in conjunction with the mining of certain minerals from areas referred to as the “conflict region,” primarily located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Act was established to stop armed groups in the conflict region from benefitting from the sourcing of conflict minerals in these areas.

The minerals defined as conflict minerals consist of gold, tantalum, tin and tungsten, along with their derivatives.

Our Commitment:

  • MKI commits to support the efforts of ending violence and human rights violations in the conflict region.
  • MKI does not directly purchase any raw conflict minerals in the production of its steel products.
  • MKI will attempt to utilize suppliers with products that are conflict free.
  • MKI expects its suppliers to source products and develop reasonable due diligence frameworks and policies designed to prevent conflict minerals from not being included in its products sold to MetalKraft Industries Inc.

MetalKraft Industries Inc. values and supports the efforts of ending violence and human rights violations in conflict areas by attempting to source conflict-free products from its suppliers.

Conflict Mineral Policy

Conflict Mineral Policy